Monday, January 16, 2017

This and That

It's been life as usual with a 1, 3, and 5 year old. January has been a nice, slower paced month for us.

One of my goals is to work out more. I know, I know; this is my goal every year. Greg and I went once to the YMCA (or as Cambry calls it, the YMSPJ) together so far. I took a barre class with my neighbor for the first time. I hope to keep going weekly. I also want to try some other classes. It didn't help that I had an upper respiratory infection for 2 straight weeks after Christmas. But anyway. Excuses, excuses.

We had an impromptu visit with the Gentrys and Nelsons in College Station the other weekend. The Winklers even stopped by too! It was a fun mini reunion. It was so nice to be around close friends. We don't have any close friends here yet so it made me extra thankful for the good friends that we had made all those years in Houston.

Even though we don't really do play dates since we don't know many people, our weeks are still quite full. I guess it just goes with having 3 kids, but we stay fairly busy. Cambry has school MWF and Lainey has therapy 3 times a week. Then of course Colton and Lainey's nap rotations take up a chunk of the day. We also visit parks, go to the library, play outside, and run errands.

Cooking dinner with 3 youngsters is still a bit challenging. Some days Greg gets home pretty early so he plays with them the whole time I cook. Other days I cook part or all of the meal while they hang around the kitchen hungry, bored, and looking for a mess to make. The 5 o'clock hour is always the most chaotic of the day.

Lainey has made MAJOR speech progress in the past 3-4 weeks. She has gone from saying single words only, to 2 or 3 or 4 word phrases. It is so exciting. She is also saying words more clearly and putting more endings on her words. Her therapist has been so impressed with her the past 2 sessions. We are very proud of our Lainey cakes.

Speaking of talking, Colton can say several words as well. He says mama, dada, dog, ball, nana (both for grandma and banana), more, wawa (water), cheese (especially when he is holding a phone, haha). He also tries to say truck, turkey, and lovie, but those are not too clear. The other day he did something to one of his sisters and Greg said, say "sorry". Neither of us were expecting him to actually be able to say it, but clear as day he said "sorry!".

And that is life lately, folks!

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