Saturday, April 22, 2017

Easter 2017

We had a wonderful first Easter spent in the Woodlands and at our new church, WoodsEdge.

Earlier in the week Cambry had her preschool Easter party. They had an egg hunt, craft, and snacks.

I bought new Easter baskets for the girls this year and once again added ruffles around the bottom. I had no idea how I was going to decorate a boy basket but luckily my mom found this adorable bunny basket for him.

On Good Friday we had planned to make resurrection rolls and dye Easter eggs. I knew Greg would get home from work a little early so I texted our neighbor to see if they wanted to join us in the egg decorating after naps. Later in the afternoon I found out the 2 grand kids of our other neighbors were coming over so we asked them to join too. It was sort of an impromptu party but it turned out great and everyone had so much fun.

Saturday morning our church had a huge egg hunt for all the kids along with inflatables and snow cones. They kids loved doing the egg hunt and discovering all the treats inside their eggs.

On Easter Sunday we went to early service at church. We love our pastor and he gave such a great sermon. 

We came home and the kids got their Easter baskets filled with goodies and then went on an egg hunt.

My parents came over later in the day and we had a late afternoon "linner". This was the first time we had a dining room to use for hosting a holiday meal. I had a lot of fun trying to make the table look nice. My mom is the queen of beautiful tables and I always loved how she specially decorated the table each holiday. 

We had ham, limas, twice baked potatoes, and salad. I made a coconut cream pie and mini sugar cookie sandwiches for dessert. I didn't love the pie, but I couldn't stop eating the cookies.

It was such a fun week spent with family and friends. I am thankful for the life and hope we have because of Jesus' resurrection. 

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