Sunday, October 15, 2017

Harvey and School

I wrote this a while back but I am just getting around to posting it.

Well things have been a little different around here lately. First of all Hurricane Harvey came through and devastated so many homes and areas in Houston and the surrounding areas. We had several good friends who had flooding and are in such hard situations right now. Thankfully our house did not flood and much of the Woodlands was fine. Although there are parts of the Woodlands that flooded and it is just so sad. We have been trying to help whenever and however we can. There are so many needs right now so it is really a great time for the church to show the love of God.

While we didn't get flooding, we did get tons and tons of rain (obviously) and were out of school for more than a week. School was cancelled Friday, then the entire next week, then the next Monday was Labor Day. So Cambry finally went back on Tuesday. Greg's office was closed as well so he worked from home during that time. Many of those days we were stuck inside while it poured non stop. We were painting, building a fort, making cookies from scratch, watching movies, going on walks in the rain, and trying not to go stir crazy. Lainey's first day of school got pushed back a week and pretty much everything else was cancelled too.

Things are pretty much back to normal for us. Although for a lot of people I know they are struggling and it will take a very long time to get back to normal.

Lainey's first day of preschool went well. She did not seem nervous at all. She just walked right in and started playing with all the toys. When I walked out the door I stopped and filled out a few sign-up papers the teacher had on the door, and when I peeked back in the classroom a few minutes later Lainey had already found the play dough scissors and the sink, haha! When I picked Lainey up they had changed her clothes because apparently she got very wet in the sink. Oops. Maybe I should have mentioned she LOVES water. That classroom sink cooooould be a problem. But overall her teachers said she had a great day. I should also mention that she wanted to listen to Shake It Off on repeat the whole way to school.


Cambry has been enjoying Kindergarten, even though she might tell you otherwise. The first few weeks were an adjustment with the long hours and going to school everyday. But lately she has been telling me the days feel short! She is in a great mood when I pick her up from school and if I don't ask too many questions she will usually volunteer information about her day.

Colton gets to hang with me during the week. It is fun having him as my little buddy all to myself on the days Lainey is in school, although I know he misses his sisters. Poor guy has to spend a lot of time each week in the car with all the school drop offs, pick ups, therapies, and extra curricular activities. He is a champ though. I love this age. He is so funny and says so many things. He has lots of opinions and communicates really well.

Our schedule this year is so different than last year with 1 kid in elementary and 1 in preschool. Our mornings start early and I feel like we are rushing all over the city some days but I am enjoying it!

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