Sunday, October 22, 2017

Lainey, 4 Years Old

This sweet girl is 4 years old! Our cuddly girl with long lashes and little ringlets at the end of her long hair is getting so big. We had a fun day celebrating her (and Colton!), which I'll post about separately.

Lainey's favorite thing to play with is probably (still) dolls. She loves to take care of baby dolls and feed them or dress them. She loves dollhouse dolls too and makes conversations although we can't always understand them. She likes animals, especially dogs, and really all stuffed animals. She loves Peppa Pig and Minnie and Anna and Elsa. She likes dressing up and putting on accessories.

Lainey loves to sing and listen to music. She loves the Sing soundtrack, especially Shake it Off. She will often request songs and likes to get silly and dance. She loves it when we all hold hands and do ring around the rosies super fast.

Lainey enjoys playing outside, jumping on the trampoline, and riding her scooter. She can't ride a tricycle by herself yet, but she is working on it. She loves water and would gladly play in any pool, splash pad, hose, fountain, or sink when given the chance. She loves going to the park and is really good at climbing.

Lainey likes watching shows and is not too picky, unlike her brother and sister. Basically she likes most any kid show we put on.

She has really loved preschool this year. She goes to the sweetest little church preschool Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-2, but will even ask to go on her days off. Her teachers are so very sweet and give her lots of love and attention. I love seeing pictures of her throughout her school day and the little notes from her teachers each time. She also does 3 speech therapies a week, 1 OT, and gymnastics for PT, so she is a busy girl!

Lainey has been doing gymnastics for a number of months now and is doing well with that. She has some days where she is more easily distracted or just wants to do her own thing, but she also has many great days where she follows her coach's instructions and works on her balance, strength, and coordination. 

Lainey is talking more and more and we are so proud of all the progress she has made. Her words are becoming more clear and she uses lots of phrases and short sentences.

She is still very affectionate, which we love. When she watches TV she will usually snuggle right up next to Colton. She frequently gives great hugs and snuggles, and loves to wrestle too. 

Vegetables are still not on Lainey's favorite foods list, but I guess that is true of all our kids. (Where did we go wrong??) She is decent eater otherwise, and can sometimes be found finishing left overs off her siblings' plates.  

A couple months ago we moved Lainey out of her crib (finally!) and into a twin mattress on the floor. She has done wonderfully with her new big girl bed! She loves it and has been so good about staying in bed after we say goodnight. She doesn't take a nap at school so she usually falls asleep briefly in the car picking up Cambry. On Tuesdays and Thursdays after therapy I usually drive around a little extra until Lainey and Colton fall asleep for nap and then transfer them to their beds. On days Lainey doesn't nap at all, this sometimes happens at dinner time.

We are so thankful, proud, and in love with our sweet Lainey. She cracks us up when say "show us _____ (happy, sad, mad, surprised) and she makes all the best faces. We love her snuggles and hugs. Her chin dimple is the cutest. Her love of water is so fun to watch. We love hearing her try to sing songs especially when she gets super loud like when she attempts Hallelujah.  Happy birthday, Lainey Reese!

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