Wednesday, January 3, 2018

November 2017

I'm going back and trying to catch up from November. We have been doing so many things lately it is hard to remember what went on more than a month ago.

We had nice weather most of the month so we played outside a lot and Greg and Colton went fishing one day.

Lainey has gotten really good at her scooter!

Colton, Lainey, and I enjoyed our Tuesday/Thursday lunch-n-play dates at the park after therapy.

Lainey finally moved up to a legit big girl bed. She had been on a twin mattress on the floor but we finally got her a real bed. We rolled up a big blanket and put it under the fitted sheet as a barrier to keep her from falling off. She loves it. She also loves to sleep with about 15 items (stuffed animals, dolls, blankets, sometimes books, etc.)

After we had our house cleaned this is what her bed looked like. Look at all her stuff!!

Both girls had festivities at their schools before getting a week of vacation for Thanksgiving. Lainey's preschool had a big feast that Greg, Colton, and I came up for. Cambry's class put on a mini play in their classroom. She was the cutest little corn.

After they were done with school on Friday we headed out to Huntsville to kick off our Thanksgiving week. We met up with a bunch of other families (long time friends from Houston) to camp for one night. Thankfully this time we came prepared with a 10 person tent, which made a huge difference. Let's not forget that last time we camped with the 5 of us in a 3 person tent. That resulted in FOUR of us on an air mattress and one little one on a pile of blankets. Whoa. Anyway, things were much roomier this time. We got there in the early afternoon and the kids had fun playing around while we got the campsite set up. We ate Greg's chili for dinner while the kids roasted hot dogs. We finished things off with s'mores by the campfire, of course. We didn't get the best sleep but hey, camping is not about sleeping. The next morning the kids had fun putting on a talent show for all the adults. I am so thankful for all the friendships and that we can still get together from time to time.

Greg had to drive the air mattresses to the bathroom to plug in the electric pump! #roughingit

After camping we had several low key days where the kids were out of school and we did some early Christmas prep. Then we headed to Waco to spend thanksgiving with the Matterns. Greg got to go hunting with his dad and brother one day. He shot a deer which he hadn't done in about 20 years! We had a fun time going to a park and taking the kids to the movies to see The Star while the guys were hunting. Then we all enjoyed a delicious thanksgiving meal together. On Black Friday Jill and I ended up spending 2 hours in Michaels. We kept discovering lots of great deals and were laughing so hard at how long we shopped there. We came back to Houston and had the rest of the weekend to do more online shopping and put up more Christmas stuff. It felt like a long, refreshing break and we were all excited about December.

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