Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello Blog World

I love reading blogs so I figured it was time to join in on the fun and start my own. Now I can freely read and/or stalk all my friends' (and strangers') blogs without feeling guilty because I am now providing a blog of my own. For so long it was take take take. But no more. I am now giving back to the blogging community. My gift may not be worth much, but here it is....take it for what it's worth. I am a beginner here, so I need time to figure out this whole blog thing. For starters, why is my blog so lame? Everyone else seems to have these super fancy-pants headers. How do I get one? I only got 6 fonts to choose from. I have a long way to go. Please don't hate my blog because it is hideous.


  1. Hello wife... I go to the Astro game one night, come home, and behold - you have created a blog that bears my name. - Greg, your husband

  2. I am so glad the "M" I got your came to good use :-) Excited about hanging out with you next week!!
