Monday, May 19, 2008

Top 5 Updates

Here are a few updates of what has happened in the last 6 months...

1) I got married!

This is my husband.

I love being married to Greg! He loves the Lord, loves me, and keeps our home so much fun!

2) I have lived 4 different places in the past 4 months. Greg and I are finally settled in our new apartment. We will be here for the next 17 months, God willing, and who knows where after that. Here is the "before" picture of our apartment taken by Liz and Branden who helped us move in.

3) I am an Aunt! My sister-in-law Jill had a precious baby girl named Hollyn April 13th.

4) I am about to get a new brother-in-law, Cody. My sister is getting married July 19th! That will make 2 Grosse weddings in 6 months. (Sorry Mom and Dad.) The family is growing...and I love it.

5) Somehow I thought there were more updates...

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