Monday, June 16, 2008

Family Fun-Pack

This has been a fun-family-filled weekend. Friday afternoon we headed to Waco to hang out with Greg's family. I am blessed by his sweet family. I have such wonderful in laws! I will show the highlights in pictures:

-We worked our way up to becoming guitar heros

-We were persuaded to wait another few years before having children

Just kidding :) Hollyn is precious and we look forward to having a few of our own one day if God chooses to bless us with children. But babies sure are a lot of work! She has wonderful parents though who love her and are so patient in caring for her. Here are some cute pictures of her. I can't believe how much she has changed in 2 months.

Doesn't look like she has skipped too many meals! How cute is she?!

-We went fishing with Greg's dad and brother

We also had some delicious food, played some games, and watched Greg's brother play endless jokes on his dad. We left Sunday morning, came through College Station (whoop!), and went to Grace Bible Church. We got home just in time to do our weekly grocery shopping trip and prepare dinner for my family. My parents, my sister, and soon-to-be brother-in-law came over and we ate and played games to celebrate father's day. I must say I have the greatest Dad :)

And the celebrations did not end there. Today is Greg's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Love! He is reading His bible while I write this, then we are going out to eat. (Well...I finished this post a little later). I would write 26 things I love about Greg for his birthday but that would be way too long for a blog, so I'll stick with no particular order.

1) He is so humble. He never boasts, doesn't claim credit for things that go unnoticed, and always gives others the benefit of the doubt.

2) He is very clean. How amazing to be married to a man who is so neat!! He is way neater than me. You will never find a towel or clothes on the floor. And he makes the bed every day. I really appreciate it.

3) He makes me laugh constantly. Singing in the shower. Making weird noises. Dancing when he thinks I'm not looking. Making up unusual non-real words with more than 10 syllables. That is Greg. And I love it.
4) He is frugal with money. I tease him all the time about being cheap. I mean, is it really necessary to not only use a plastic grocery bag for lunch sack, but the SAME plastic grocery bag every day for a whole week? Thanks Greg, for not wasting our plastic bags. :) But with all the teasing, I do appreciate how he stewards our money.

5) He is really really good lookin. See?

6) He reads the Bible every day. Never skips. I unfortunately had many skipped days before we got married. Due to laziness, putting it off until I was too tired, etc. Since we have been married I have been 10 times better because of his example of discipline in reading. Marriage is so good for sanctification.

Greg, for all these and a million more reasons, I love you. Happy Birthday!


  1. Sounds like yall had a fun weekend! And I love Guitar Hero so much.

  2. I really can't explain how much I love the pic of y'all playing guitar hero! AWESOME!
    HAPPY Birthday Greg!

  3. love to clean her pu--y with my tongue
