Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Going Green?

This past weekend I was tempted to buy these.

Reusable grocery bags. They had them on display right when you walk in to Kroger. 10 for $10. I paused. And considered. Should I do it? Would that make me hippy-bag-woman? Or just cool friendly environmental girl? Just think how many plastic bags I would save over a lifetime! We do put our plastic bags to use currently though. Greg and I use them to pack our lunches in instead of brown lunch bags which is probably going to save us at least $3 over the course of a year. But of course we accumulate way more bags than we could possibly put to use, so many end up just going in the trash. That wouldn't be the case if I had reusable grocery bags. But would I actually remember to bring them to the grocery store and use them, or would they just end up unused in the back of a closet taking up room and reminding me of a time when I wasted ten dollars? I decided to hold off on them for now. But I can't guarantee that I will be able to resist the urge to buy them next time I go to Kroger.


  1. I use them :) They take some getting used to and sometimes you have to manhandle the cashiers to stop them from giving you bags, but it's worth it. It's easiest just to carry 1 good one (i know the brands :) in your purse and use it when you are doing non-grocery shopping, aka clothes, movies, whatever or for small grocery trips. I haven't quite mastered the zen of using all reuseable bags for large grocery trips.. I find it intimidating :P

  2. I have been thinking about doing that too!! Maybe I'll jump on the bandwagon now. :)

  3. So far I've gotten all mine for free (Kroger gave one away for designing one online and HEB gave them away on Earth Day if you brought in 5 plastic bags to recycle). Sometimes I remember to use them and sometimes I don't, but I do take the plastic bags back to the store to be recycled when I forget to use the reusable ones. I saw this comic the other day: http://www.rhymeswithorange.com/ (May 8th) and it is totally my story with the reusable bags!
