Sunday, July 13, 2008


So it has been a while since I've blogged. Things have been busy. Real busy. This past week was Houston Project - our church week long mission to serve our city through vacation bible school, activities for youth, and adults. It was a great time to love on kids and get to work alongside so many different people in our church. It was a wonderful (exhausting) week!

Now all of a sudden it is Sunday night. And Greg and I are....camping. Our water went a few hours ago. Right in the middle of cooking dinner. I was making chicken parmesean (my friend Kari gave me the recipe, so good!) and was about to put it in the oven and then start to boil the spaghetti. Um, what? No water? So I filled up the pot with ice. But that wasn't enough. So Greg suggested, why not add a little chicken broth? My husband is a genius. So I dumped that in too. Dinner was good, but now all of our spaghetti smeared plates are sitting in the sink getting crustier by the minute. Sick. I managed to brush my teeth by rinsing with the tiny trickle of water left in the faucet. And I used a wet wipe to wash my face. Greg is all running around exciting yelling - "We're camping!"

On a totally unrelated note, I came up with an invention today. Please don't try to steal this and create a prototype and begin marketing it. Ok, drumroll......a Remote Controlled Back Massager. You just lay on your stomach, place the device on your back, and then hold in one hand a small remote controlled device that will move the back massager all around your back. I think this is going to be a big hit. I hope Brookes Brothers hasn't beat me to it.

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