Moving from the singles Sunday school class to the newlywed Sunday school class has definitely been a transition for me. It felt a lot harder to get plugged in and get to know other couples well. The newlywed class is huge ( was the singles), and we didn't know most of the people coming in to it. It is harder to plan get togethers with couples when you are working around twice as many schedules, and both the guy and the girl have to click with each other. Our friend Thomas described it as dating. So true. First you begin to hang out and "notice" another couple. Hmm...they look friendly, maybe we should ask them out. What do you think honey? Will they like us? Would it be awkward if it didn't work out? Lets just wait and try to drop some subtle clues that we are interested. Then comes the asking - "hey, um, would you guys like to go to dinner?" Should we take the plunge and ask for their phone numbers now, or keep it casual and just stick to email? First dates can be a little intimidating, but fun. Then at the end you must make your intentions known - "this was fun, we should do it again sometime". From there it just gets easier.
Recently we have gotten to hang out with several couples from the class that we have gotten to know through bible study and core groups. I have really enjoyed getting to know new people and hear their stories. Monday night we got to have dinner at the Alleman's. They were so sweet to have us over for dinner. They even busted out the nice china. I thought that was awesome. Why let it sit on the shelf for 15 years? It was great to have a nice dinner for no particular reason. Then we played wii. Wow. I need some practice. And this past weekend we got to hang out with our core group, and enjoy fajitas and rock band. We had a blast. And who knew Ben Cooper was former lead singer of the Beastie Boys?
I have also really been loving our summer Tuesday night bible study. It is a pretty large group for a bible study, but still seems like an intimate setting and so much good discussion takes place among the groups. I look forward to Tuesday nights every week. It is such a good way to get to know other couples and be encouraged by hearing what others have learned on the fruit of Spirit.
Oh Jana, I knew it all the time!