This weekend we dogsat for my parent's dog Darby. Darby does not travel lightly. She came with a luggage bag twice her size filled with all her necessities. It was fun having her for the weekend, but confirmed that we do not want any pets while living in an apartment. Darby did have a good time though. We took her to the bark park, where she was rather anti-social. She was running away from all the other dogs and begging for me to pick her up. Needless to say she was not the most popular pup at the park.
My parents said we can be saving up our "babysitting rewards points" for babysitting Darby, and can redeem them later when we have kids. I hope we got a lot of points this weekend. And hopefully there is a lump sum bonus amount for joining the rewards program. We will be keeping close track of these for the future.

do you think they can UPS her up here so I can rack up some reward points?
But then how would you redeem your points? Ship your kids to their houe? No. Move back to Houston of course!
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