S'mores! You can't leave camp with out em. Some kids couldn't leave camp without 8 of them. Yeah. That is the answer I got to "What number s'more are ya on there?". Yikes. What does that equate to...like 4 Hershey bars?
Playing Zip Boing (a ridiculously funny game involving covering your teeth with your lips and not being allowed to laugh/show them)
Watching 6th grade boys unashamedly and passionately lip sync every word to Miley Cyrus "It's the climb".
Ok, girls were singing too. It was just wasn't as funny as the boys because it is more expected.
Sitting around a picnic table as my girls eagerly look up scripture verses.
Watching a "who-can-finish-their-lunch-faster" contest involving nacho cheese & lettuce coated fingers and faces.
Hearing songs I haven't heard in years. Ex: "I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee, won't my mommy be so proud of me..." and "Hi, my name is Joe, I've got a wife and 3 kids and I work in a factory". Anyone? Anyone? Those are the classics.
Getting to know lots of kids I didn't know before.
Camp games. Who comes up with these things? Pelting the opposite team with flour filled socks? 1 part pain, 2 parts fun!
Learning more about the fruits of the spirit and hearing all the kids recite Galatians 5:22-23.
Overall, an awesome weekend. I just woke up from a 2 hour nap to tell about it. That feels better :)
Here is a picture of some of the 6th grade girls.
C'mon girls, picture time, try to form a clump.

There we go!