Well...the biggest thing that happened on Valentine's day was that my dad had quadruple bypass surgery. Heart surgery on heart day. Lauren and Ashley flew in for the surgery and we nervously hung out at the hospital all day. The surgery took many hours but thankfully it went well. We were so happy to hear when the surgery was complete and we could see him. It was a long day but we got to see him afterward and I am so thankful God protected him and allowed the surgery to be successful. It was a hard recovery for him in the hospital but all the doctors and nurses said he did wonderfully. And today he got to go home. He still has lots of healing and recovering, but overall he is doing great. It was a busy week of back and forth to the hospital, Greg working from home some days, and making child care arrangements. But I'm so grateful for the outcome!
(My mom was there too, obviously, but she didn't take this selfie with us)
Anyway, due to the surgery we celebrated Valentine's day early
by having a festive breakfast Saturday morning. We made homemade donuts like we did last year with pink icing and sprinkles. We also had pink milk (or water) like my mom made for us growing up. I decorated the table and each kid got a balloon. Cambry was so excited and appreciated all the decorations. I love doing stuff like that and I love that Cambry enjoys it. I'm sure Colton and Lainey liked it too, they just couldn't really express it.
We played outside some that day and then I went to a friend's baby shower. It was fun to see my old small group friends there and some old coworkers as well.
That night we tried out a new restaurant on the Waterway. We had never even walked down there before and didn't realize what a fun area it is. They have a great lawn space, a live band was playing, there was a concession stand, splash fountains, and lots of people picnicking. I can't wait to come back when the kids can wear swimsuits.
Cambry had her class Valentine party at school on Monday. I had given her the option of buying Valentine's cards from the store or making her own and she chose to make her own. We browsed Pinterest together and she decided on lollipop butterflies. She wrote all the kids' names on them and they turned out so cute. They made Valentine's bags at school and brought them home filled with goodies.
And since I have taken Valentine's pictures of the kids every year, I had to keep the tradition going.
This one cracks me up. Lainey is doing what we ask (hug your brother), but is clearly not happy about it. Neither is he.
Is there a cuter boy in all the world??
2016 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2014 |
2013 |
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Happy Valentine's Day!