I have used them before, but I guess it had just been too long, and I forgot about the magic. The magic that is unleashed in a single foam square. The dissappearing act that takes place before your very eyes.
Mr. Clean just took away this ugly ring that had formed on our bathroom counter that neither 409 nor bleach could tackle. Greg said a UFO (unidentified filthy object) had landed on our counter. Really it was just the stand up mirror. It left a stain after only a few days. But it ain't no thang for magic eraser. Poof, gone.
In my excitement I began running around the apartment looking for other things to erase.
What else? Point to something. Anything. I will erase it. Oh you want me to erase that scratch on the door from our towel rack? Gone. How about that scuff mark on the wall from moving furniture and not pivoting fast enough? Gone. I can't be stopped.
Am I really getting excited about cleaning? Who am I?
The magic eraser can get rid of anything and everything my kids do to my tables. Crayons, pencils, and even permanent marker (okay maybe those marks were from me.) But they really are amazing.
I backed into one of those tiny blue dumpsters at a park earlier this year and it took the blue mark off my bumper! Amazing! Love it!
I love it too, but be careful. I always take scuff marks off walls. Well, HOllyn wrote on the wall with a purple pen. The magic eraser did erase the pen mark, but took off the paint too! SO now we have a huge brown cardboard looking spot on the wall! Also, HEB sales the off brand for way way cheaper!
I meant HEB SELLS not sales!
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