Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Greg and Jana +1

Baby Mattern is due Dec 7th and I am so excited!

That means currently I am about 12 weeks along. I went to the doctor today and it definitely feels real now after seeing the baby jumping all around on the ultrasound. It seems we have an active little one on our hands. Or maybe that was just the Skittles I ate earlier...

The first couple days after we saw the positive pregnancy test I think we were both sort of in shock for a while. It is a hard thing to grasp at first without any visible changes or symptoms. I would wake up every morning and the first thing I would think would be – oh my gosh, am I really pregnant??? Yippee!! The morning sickness hit soon enough and I think once that really came on it started to feel real. Even though it is no fun, it is definitely a good reminder that God is knitting together a little life inside me.

Time has gone by very slow so far. I am glad though, and thankful that it is going by slow. I know the baby will be here before we know it and I’m sure the latter part of the pregnancy will fly by when we are busy getting a nursery ready and working on a never ending to-do list. And of course once the baby is here I know time will be flying by even faster. So for now I am really appreciating the slow pace. I have also heard friends say that their 2nd (3rd etc) pregnancies go by super fast once you are busy chasing around another kid, so it is nice to have a chance to soak it in. However, it has been hard not to count down the days until the morning sickness goes away. But even in the sickness, I am praying for a good attitude and that I would be able to appreciate these days too. Pregnancy is such a miracle!

Greg and I are both so excited. I just cannot believe God’s goodness in answering our prayer for a baby and I feel so privileged to get to experience pregnancy and see first-hand God’s process of creating life. It is so fun to read about each week what is going on with the baby. Every source says something different, but I think it is around the size of a lime or plum. It is unbelievable to me that pretty much all of the main organs/systems are formed, and the baby has tiny fingers and toes, ears, eyelids, etc.

I am so curious to know if it is a boy or girl but we still have to wait a while for that. I really want both, so I will be excited for either. Greg and I both think it is a boy, but that is not really based on anything – purely a guess. For now only God knows the gender of our precious little gift. So exciting!

This was my memory verse at the time I found out I was pregnant.

“I am still confident in this. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14

God has shown us His goodness indeed!

Here is the ultrasound picture at 7 weeks. Baby is looking like a cute little dot.

Here is the ultrasound picture from today - which is one day away from 12 weeks. I could not stop staring at this picture. It looks like a baby. A REAL BABY.


  1. Yay!!! That's so exciting! Congratulations Matterns!

  2. Hooray! I have to say...every time your blog shows up as having a new post on my google reader, I HOPE that it's a pregnancy announcement. And finally it is! Don't you love those digital tests that tell you with WORDS that you are pregnant? I am so happy for y'all because as excited as you are now, you won't believe how much joy and happiness life can bring until you hold that baby in your arms and watch them grow. And yes, the pregnancy (and everything afterwards!) will go quickly. Congratulations!

  3. I was going to say the exact same thing that Lesley did. Every time I saw you had a new post, I thought it might be a baby! Super Congratulations! I hope you get to feeling better soon! Good luck! Looking forward to seeing you grow! :)

  4. Baby looks so cute in that new ultrasound pic!! I think I see the Grosse calves!

  5. JANA!!!! SO excited for you two! Children are a miracle and I am so happy you and Greg get to experience it together. YAY!

  6. Wow, congrats!! So excited for you!

  7. Yaaaaaay Matterns!!! SO EXCITED for y'all!!!

  8. Praise the Lord! and what a BEAUTIFUL baby;) We are praying for y'all and SO excited for you!
    Love-Amy Littlepage

  9. Oh, Jana - congratulations!!!! So happy for you and giddy that you're with dr. F!!!

  10. Congratulations! So happy for you!

  11. Yea!!! I have been waiting for this post! Congrats to you guys - you are going to be excellent parents!

  12. Jana, I'm so excited for you and Greg. Congratulations!
