Thursday, May 26, 2011

Running on Empty

I had heard that during the first trimester you can feel extremely tired, and boy is that true! My normal non-pregnant self on an average day doesn't have a ton of energy anyway, so I figured I would probably be really wiped out when pregnant. I have always been able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat, and am not much of a night owl (unless I am playing games and then my competitive self comes out and says BRING IT ON - I DO NOT EVEN NEED SLEEP AND I AM PREPARED TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT IF NECESSARY TO BEAT YOU).

Needless to say, the 1st trimester has used up a LOT of energy. I have been going to bed at 8:30pm! (I get up at 5:30am) Getting those extra hours of sleep at night has really helped a lot. It is hard to do sometimes though. We can’t even watch The Event because it comes on from 8:00-9:00. Whoa. Way too late. Of course I do make exceptions for Bible Study which lasts from about 7:30 to 9:15 or so. Also, at work, many days I have closed my office door during lunch and have taken a nap.

I used to be a fast walker. Greg can barely keep up when I “turn my legs on high (speed)” as I like to say. I have recently turned into a slow walker though. It is just interesting how everything works. But it makes sense. There have been so many major things happening as God forms the baby that it takes a toll on the body. But I am happy to give up the energy for the new life growing inside me. It is just so amazing!

Thankfully, I feel like things are starting to improve slightly. As I near the end of the first trimester, I feel like I have a bit more energy. Even though I pretty much slept / lazed around all of last weekend, I have been staying up past my 8:30 bedtime recently. I think one night was 9:30 – party animal! And I haven’t taken any lunch-time naps this week Today I even worked out. Well, worked out = slowly walked 1 mile. Progress!


  1. Oh, I was so happy to hear! Congratulations! What a great example of faithfulness in the Lord. Can't wait to read more updates!

  2. Praying for you for REST and energy! So proud of you! What a wonderful mommy you are already taking care of that little one!!!
