Friday, May 27, 2011

Pregnancy Announcement Video

We made this video to show the youth kids at church to tell them we are expecting. We wanted to show it yesterday but it wasn't a normal Sunday morning youth group, so we are waiting until next week. None of them read this blog so I can share it on here. Greg is such a good sport :)


  1. We loved this video!! Hollyn wanted to watch it again and again!! Too funny

  2. I LOVE it!!! So creative y'all! Praying for Baby Mattern!

  3. Holy to the moly!!! You're pregnant!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Matterns! Couldn't be more excited for you. And I like finding out with the hilarious video. Such clever parents this little Mattern will have! Love you!!!!

  4. This video was perfect! So creative and hilarious. So excited for you. Sad we don't talk anymore or get to catch up, but we are really excited for you guys!

  5. This is AWWWWWWSOME!!!! I love it! Y'all are so cute!
