It's a GIRL!
I am so excited to know what it is! This really makes it real and I am looking forward to getting started on the nursery, buying cute headbands on Etsy, and picking out a name. All the important stuff, of course :)
I am so thankful we were able to find out it was a girl, because baby was not very cooperative at all during my ultrasound. She was moving her arms and legs a lot, but wouldn't move into a new position. The tech could not get a shot between the legs. Greg's mom and sister had driven in from Waco that morning to come to the appointment with me - so sweet! My mom was there with us too, and of course Greg. I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to determine the gender. The tech was very sweet and patient though, and really worked with us.
First I drank a glass of water, ate a granola bar, and did some squats and twists. This helped us get a couple views that looked like a girl, but the tech still didn't feel 100% confident. Then she put this vibrating beeping device up to my tummy, but baby girl was completely un-phased. Finally the tech told me to drink a soda while I saw the doctor and we would take a look afterward. After the Dr. Pepper baby girl had still not moved into a new position, although she was quite wiggly.
However, God answered our prayer and the tech finally got a view that could confirm for sure it is a girl. YAY!
We finally got to tell our small group tonight. Here are the snacks I brought.

Yay!!!!! I am so excited! You are going to be such a blessing to this sweet little girl. And she will be beautiful just like her Mom. Now for a name? :)
Yay! Congratulations on the baby girl! When are you due? I wish you lived closer. I have a ton of girl stuff! You will love having a girl. It's so much fun!
Congrats Jana and Greg! I told Lauren y'all were all having girls this time! This is gonna be so wonderful! I'm happy for y'all and can't wait to meet her!
Shevawn - I am due Dec 7th. Yes I know I wish we lived closer. I have a lot of friends in Dallas that I rarely ever get to see - so sad!
Congrats!!!!! Girls are awesome. You will be a great girl mom.
YAY!! Congratulations Jana! Baby girls are so fun!!
I still am SO excited for Hollyn to have a GIRL cousin!!!
You are so cute! I love the desserts! Great idea :)
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