Thursday, August 18, 2011

Baby Bump - 24 Weeks

At 24 weeks I am…

- Feeling good.

- Enjoying the comments I get from strangers. I haven’t had any strangers touch my belly yet though.

- Eating more these days.

- Trying to pick out a diaper bag…so hard.

- Working on the nursery. We are dropping off our craigslist dresser this week to get painted. Probably will take a few weeks to get done but I am excited!

- Freaked out by my puffed up feet. I am not on my feet much during the day. I sit in a cool office. Yet it seems every day now they are ginormous by the end of the day. Very attractive.

- Constantly thinking of all the things that need to be done…schedule hospital tour, sign up for classes, convince Greg that maternity pictures are not silly, decide on all the hard registry stuff (car seat / stroller / etc), pick a paint color for the nursery walls, pick a NAME for the baby, and that’s enough for now. Most of those things are fun/exciting though, so I am not complaining.

- Amazed by God’s design for pregnancy. Everything is so fascinating. Some things are weird, some are hideous, but most things are cool and amazing. I am so thankful for this time.


  1. You look SO beautiful Janna! What a gorgeous mommy you are! Can't wait to see the little lady and know her NAME!

  2. Give me a break, they say the camera adds 10 pounds...

  3. Oh my word you look so cute!!!! Do you want me to punch your sister in the face for you?? I need a NAME!!!!!!! How can a aunt make fabulous gifts if she has NO NAME!!!????
