Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Portland / Seattle Trip

My cousin Elliot got married last week so Greg and I went to Portland for the wedding. My parents also went, my sister Ashley and her fam, and my Aunt Rhonda visited too. It was so fun to see lots of family.

The wedding was pretty and a lot of fun. We got to stay with my Aunt and Uncle and enjoyed visiting with them.

Here are Ashley, Andrew, and Chloe.

I think this is such a great picture of my parents!

We also spent a day in Seattle. Greg and I enjoyed walking around the city, going through Pikes Markets, seeing the locks in Ballard, people watching outside of a coffee shop, and doing a little shopping. It was a short trip, but a nice little get-a-way. I guess this is the closest thing to our babymoon. Our last trip without kids!

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