Saturday, February 4, 2012

First Grocery Trip

It has been raining for 3 days. I have been waiting to go to Kroger for 3 days. Today was the day. The rain finally cleared a bit. First shopping trip.

Well technically not the first, but the first major trip. I have taken Cambry to the grocery store twice, when I only needed a few things. I had her in her car seat in the basket and put my groceries in the child seat.

For this trip I needed lots of groceries so I put Cambry in the Baby Bjorn. She did great and fell asleep while I was shopping. There was no crying involved. I felt like I just won the Olympics.

Of course this is nothing compared to the mom in the produce department who is wearing one child, has one in the child seat, and another walking beside her. Nonetheless, I still had a successful gotta celebrate the small victories.


  1. Well done! So exciting:)And y'all looked so beautiful doing it:)

  2. I remember my first trip with much anxiety! He hated his carseat so I wore him in a sling. I am still figuring out how to do it with two, or just hoping I never have to. Good job!

  3. That is a huge victory! I love the previous post!!!
