Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Nephew

I have a new nephew! Hayes Davis was born Monday, February 6th. Isn't he the most precious? Look at that face. So kissable. Baby and mama Lauren are doing great.

Greg and I went up for the birth. We of course just packed the essentials for the short 2 day road trip.

We broke up the trip into 2 parts on the way there which worked out great. We first drove to Waco and stayed with Greg's family. It was fun to see them all even if it was just for the night. Then we drove the rest of the way to Dallas the next morning. So we got to see both families over the past few days.

Here is the cute big brother Kyler. He has no idea. Poor thing was so sick though. And then my mom got sick too.

Paw-Dad and Cambry.

Here is the first cousins picture. Look at those two - only 7 weeks apart! That will be so fun for them to have eachother as cousins so close in age.

And I'll just close with a few pictures of Cambry lately. I could just stare at that cute face all day long. And sometimes I do. And I still have plenty of moments where I think - I can't believe there is a baby living in this house. A REAL baby. And she is ours. She is the cutest thing in the world. I can't stop kissing her. Probably at least 35 kisses a day.

How can I resist those cheeks? I need to go kiss her now.

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