Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fun Wednesday

Today was a fun day. I am so thankful to get to stay at home with Cambry! Not every day goes perfectly smoothly, and there wasn't anything particularly special about today, but it was just good.

This morning I went to the gym. I didn't make it on time to do the circuit class (and I was a little intimidated to do it for the first time) so I just did my own workout. It always feels so good to exercise, and I think it is good for Cambry to be around other babies and be away from me for a bit. She is around me all day every day - she is probably sick of me by now, ha!

She fell asleep on the way home and surprisingly she had a successful transfer to the crib. We were supposed to have a play date but it got rescheduled so when she woke up we went to story time at the library. We hadn't been in several months because their summer schedule was very different. It was fun to see Cambry interested this time and watching the teacher sing and read. What a difference a couple months has made! In the past she would just lay on her blanket oblivious to story time. One time she even fell asleep in my arms there. This time she sat up and watched the other kids and teacher. She was so cute.

This afternoon we just hung around the house. I attempted to take some pictures of her outside (pictures above). I love the little outfit she is in. I got in at this nice consignment store in the Heights called Thread. They have cute stuff there. My sister in law found the cutest Pea in the Pod maternity dress there for such a great price. There have a very small selection of maternity clothes, but Jill has this super power where she can find the best/cutest/cheapest thing anywhere. Like she can walk in to a Marshalls and find the one pair of adorable designer jeans in the right size for $20. It's crazy.

We walked to the dog park in the evening. The weather felt a bit cooler and I love it! Cambry got so excited to see the dogs and would kick her legs and squeal.

This evening the girls came over for small group. We are going through Forgotten God by Francis Chan. It is about the Holy Spirit and it is really good so far. It seems like you don't hear a lot of teaching on the Holy Spirit. As we go through this study I am surprised to see just how many times the Bible talks about the Spirit. It is neat to learn more about the Spirit's role - I have lots to learn!


  1. awwww! Thanks for the shout out!!

  2. That sounds like such a perfect day! :) I wish there were activities here like the story time... heck, I wish there was a library here! Love these photos... so pretty and what a sweet dress.
