Monday, September 10, 2012

Nailed It

If you are on Pinterest you have probably seen the "nailed it" pins that are pretty funny.

Source: via Teresa on Pinterest

Well I have my own version. I pinned this on Pinterest.

So adorable. Well it gave me the idea that the back of a chair makes a good place for storage. Here is my version.

Cambry's bibs are now stored on the back of her high chair. I had just bought new sheets for our bed and used the plastic pouch they came in. This does not look cute at all, but at least it is functional! Maybe one day I will attempt to make something like the Pinterest idea that looks cute. Although since I do not sew I am not sure how that will happen. For now, this will do.


  1. haha I haven't been on Pinterest in a while but that first 'nailed it' photo is so funny! Love your bib storage though. That is such a good idea!

  2. haha Nailed it! I like your resourcefulness of using the sheets bag. I keep all kinds of stuff like that...even the plastic container the almonds come in at Target :). I'm sure I can use it for something!

  3. Thanks for the tip on onsie extenders! I had no idea they existed. The ones on amazon had bad reviews but I found some on Etsy for the same price. I'm going to try them!
