How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Baby's Size: Large heirloom tomato (what is that?) or a mango. Lets go with mango.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, mostly maternity clothes, or stretchy shirts
Movement: I feel the baby move throughout the day which I love. I can tell he/she is getting bigger and stronger.
Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though.
Symptoms: Still kind of nauseous sometimes but overall pretty good.
Food Aversions/Cravings: Can't really think of anything specific this week. I got a cold on Sunday so food was sounding gross there for a couple days but now things seem back to normal.
What I am Looking Forward to: Finding out the gender tomorrow!! Although I sometimes get a little worried we will not be able to find out. With Cambry they almost couldn't tell. I had to drink a glass of water, eat a granola bar, do squats, then drink a Dr. Pepper to get her to move into a good position for them to finally see her girl parts.
Great stroller!! :) Can't wait to hear the gender soon. Really hope he/she cooperates for the scan!