Friday, May 24, 2013

Baby Mattern #2 is a...


We are so excited! I can't believe we are going to have another precious girl! Doesn't Cambry look thrilled? Ha!

Greg's parents are here this weekend and my parents came over tonight for dinner too so we had them bite into cake balls to reveal the gender. So fun to see their reactions. Everyone is very excited of course.

I was secretly hoping for another little girl. I love little girls (obviously), love dressing them up, doing crafty things for them, and look forward to painting nails (oops, already painted Cambry's toe nails!), doing hair, and a million other girly things. I would love a little boy too and I especially would love for Greg to have a son. The mother daughter bond is so special so I would love for Greg to have that father son bond. Maybe the next one will be a boy :) Assuming we still want 3 after having 2...

I am so thankful to God that everything looked great on the ultrasound and we were able to tell the gender right away. The ultrasound Tech said she was sure - no doubt - that it was a girl. I am so happy for Cambry to have a sister. I am picturing them in cute matching outfits :) I am so curious to know if she will look like Cambry or not. But what are the chances of 2 brown eyed parents having another blue eyed girl? I am thinking this baby will probably have brown eyes, but we'll see.

She was adorable and wiggly on the ultrasound. It just makes it so much more real seeing how big she is and knowing she is a SHE. I am excited to start planning the nursery. Oh and names. Names are so hard but hopefully we can start brainstorming one we both really like.

Yay for another girl!


  1. Yay!!! So excited for you to have another girl! How awesome for Cambry to have a sister to grow up with. I love how you told with the cake balls as well :)

  2. Congratulations!

    I came across your blog this morning while doing research for my website, and I was wanted to ask if you might be willing to share some your pregnancy photos. A lot of moms-to-be come to my site usually to get a sense of how different every pregnancy is. I think your photos would be great to share, if you are willing.

    I would be happy to link to your blog from your photos if you like, or keep them anonymous, whichever you prefer.

    If you want to see the site redesign in its current state you can see it here:

    We are still cleaning up little details like how the thumbnails layout, so if you encounter any issues, let me know!



  3. Congratulations! It will be so awesome for Cambry to have a sister!!

  4. Jennifer - Thank you for asking! I think that is a neat website you have, although I don't think I want my pics on there at this time. Thanks again though.
