Monday, June 3, 2013

Pool Time

We had fun playing in the backyard today. Cambry splashed around in her little pool. I just love babies in swimsuits. Is there anything cuter?

Her cute little profile with the hair flipping up in the back.

A few other random things about Cambry lately...

Her new favorite word is "stuck". I think she picked up on this because she drinks smoothies a lot in the morning and if there are any chunks that clog the straw she looks at me for help and I say "Is it stuck?". Well now she loves the word and uses it all the time. Things get stuck quite often. If she can't grab a toy or she has trouble getting somthing out or she gets in a tight place she will say stuck! stuck! It cracks me up.

She also really enjoys her Bible stories now! Her Jesus Storybook Bible is pretty wordy (for her age) and we used to have to speed read just to get a paragraph in while she drank her milk at night otherwise she would never sit still for any of it. Now when we put it away she signs more. She also says Bible (although it sounds more like bubble), and will point to ours and say it. It is so much fun to see her learn new things.

On another note, I want to start making some little activites for Cambry (like you see for Busy Bag Swaps) for when the baby comes. I think if I can make 1 every other week or so I will have a good amount by time the baby gets here. I will post those as I get them made/gathered.

1 comment:

  1. She is such a little beauty!! I love her little bathing suit... and her hair is getting sooo long!! :)
