Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 21 Weeks

How Far Along:  21 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Carrot. Yes I realize it looks like it should be the size of a watermelon. But apparently only a carrot is in there. Too bad I can't claim twins.

Maternity Clothes: Yep! The belly band (although a great invention) can get annoying so I most often wear my maternity shorts, my stretchy black maxi skirt, or my new stretchy linen pants. On work out days I sometimes stay in my workout clothes the rest of the day. I have never been able to find maternity jeans that I like. But then again it is a bizillion degrees outside (and its only the beginning of June) so I probably wouldn't wear jeans too much anyway.

Movement: A good amount of movement. Nothing you can see from the outside yet, but lots of little wiggles.

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though. It also seems like I have so many dreams each night.

Symptoms: The usual - a bit tired and sluggish. A little nauseous still at times. Feeling bigger by the day for sure! My belly button is pretty much completely flat, maybe even out a little. But then again it never really went back the same way after having Cambry.

Food Aversions/Cravings: Nothing specific lately. I did buy a watermelon this week that was so delicious, but it's not really a craving.

Best Moment this Week: Just spending time with Cambry. I simply adore her and have really been cherishing my days with her. I am so thankful to be a SAHM even though there can be some tough parts. She is just the sweetest thing.

What I miss: Having energy. I still need a nap almost every day.

What I am Looking Forward to: Moms night out on Friday and date night on Saturday! WOO HOO! When is the last time either of those things has happened? FOREVER AGO.

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