We had a pretty laid back weekend. Greg had been out of town all week for work and got back late on Friday evening. I got to go to a Metro Moms night out event on Friday. I had been looking forward to this all week! Being pregnant and taking care of a toddler with your hubby gone all week can be pretty tiring so a girls night sounded soooo good. Our neighbor was so sweet to babysit Cambry for the night. I came home with some fun toys from the event. Then afterward Audrey, Liz, and I headed over to Starbucks to hang out and talk. As a SAHM I do get to see my friends quite often, but it is very different to be able to talk and laugh without kiddos around. Although we did talk about our kids a lot - cause that's just what mommas do. We stayed there until about 10:45 - whoa we are wild and crazy ;) Unfortunately I didn't get a pic of the 3 of us, but here is one of Liz and I.

Saturday we didn't do much of anything at all. We got snow cones and went to the park in the afternoon. It was a complete ghost town - no one else in sight. It was pretty overcast (which actually made it feel cool for June!) and then it started sprinkling so we headed home.
That evening we went to dinner at Candelari's with some friends and their little girl who is exactly 1 month older than Cambry. Candelari's is so great because it is very kid friendly. There are always so many families and young kids there.
We didn't do too much on Sunday - just church and relaxing around the house. That evening Greg and I watched a movie and I made homemade starbucks drinks...sort of. Mixed 1 part strong (decaf) coffee with 1 part milk, some chocolate syrup, a little sugar and truvia, then chilled it and poured over ice. I thought it was pretty yummy!
Love the photo of her on the swing!! She looks so happy! :)