Sunday, July 28, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 28 Weeks

This week's update is a bit late. Greg and I were in Branson all week with HFBC youth group. I will do a separate post on that later. It was a great week but I am so glad to be back!

Hello 3rd trimester! I am now seeing my doctor every 2 weeks. My belly feels enormous and I can't believe that it is going to keep growing for 12 more weeks.

Special new category for this week...

 Most Random Comment of the Week Ever:  While in Branson helping deliver some free meals, a man noticed my huge belly and started asking me how far along I was. He could not get over the fact that my belly button had popped out (it showed through my shirt) and asked "Is it SUPPOSED to do that?" while poking it. Then he asks - "Hey, how much did you weigh before you got pollinated?" POLLINATED. We were all just dying laughing. Shock and awe. True story folks.

How Far Along:  28 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Large Eggplant

Maternity Clothes: Yep! I am still trying to squeeze into some regular clothes too, but most shirts are too short.

Movement: Lots of movement. This pregnancy is very similar to my pregnancy with Cambry. I am so curious what position she is in. I feel most of the movement at belly button level or a little higher and on both sides. I am thinking maybe she is diagonal. Cambry stayed that way for a while.

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though. It also seems like I have so many dreams each night.

Symptoms: Low energy, feet swell a bit by the end of the day, restless legs, and braxton hicks each day.

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nothing new really.

Best Moment this Week: Besides all the fun at Rush Week, being reunited with Cambry after having been gone for 8 days! (more on that later)

What I miss: Having energy, being able to maneuver easily, bed down easily, shave easily, and being able to eat raw cookie dough :)

What I am Looking Forward to: Making more progress on the nursery.

Goals: Hang the curtains in the nursery and buy a big frame. Also to start researching/decide on which video monitor to get.

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