Monday, July 29, 2013

Rush Week

Greg and I spent the past week in Branson, Missouri with more than 300 others on our youth trip called Rush Week. It is a mix between summer camp and a mission trip. This was Greg's 3rd year to go, and my 2nd year. I went 2 years ago when I was pregnant with Cambry. I was so nervous about this trip. I had never been away from Cambry that long (8 days/nights!). I was also nervous I just wouldn't have the energy to survive the long days. I feel high-maintenance when I am pregnant with my constant need to have access to food, water, restrooms, and a place to sit down. It was about a 13 hour drive there (including stops).

Here is one of our Sonic stops when the girls started singing and dancing to Father Abraham.

It was such a great trip though. God was so faithful to give me strength and energy to get through all of the days. I had a great group of 7th grade girls. They were so good and so sweet the entire time. We had some really great discussions during small group time and it was neat to hear so many of the students' testimonies of how God spoke to them throughout the week. Here is my small group at Silver Dollar City.

This was one of the service teams in front of the fence they painted. I was on the Evangelism team and we went to various neighborhoods talking to people and handing out flyers for VBS. We also helped out with a great ministry called Jesus Was Homeless where we got to deliver meals to people.

This was at Silver Dollar City - Greg on the roller coaster. Unfortunately pregnant girls can't ride the roller coasters :(

One night we had a Hoe Down. It was a lot of fun. Me and my huge belly participated for a while until I was worn out.

There were silly challenges each day, and one was to get a picture with a bearded man. Our group got this picture.

I am so glad I got to go on the trip but I was also so glad to be back. Cambry stayed in Waco with Greg's parents. We are so thankful to them for taking great care of her all week and letting us go on the trip. She had an absolute blast. We only got to facetime with her one day but it did not even look like she missed us AT ALL. We were a little sad about that, ha! But I guess it was just a huge answer to prayer because I had been praying that she would not feel lonely or sad. She got to spend lots of time with her cousins and Aunts and Uncles. We got tons of pictures and videos throughout the week and she just looked like she was having so much fun. She is probably bored now that it is just me and her this week :) I am so glad to be back with my baby girl!!

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