Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Few Things Lately

1) This weekend I went to a shower for my friend Julie. She is expecting a baby girl in September so we are only about a month apart. She got so many fun gifts and it was fun to see her and celebrate and she prepares for the baby.

2) I have been loving the pool lately. There is a public pool right by our house which is great. Unfortunately it doesn't open until 1pm and then it closes from 5-7 for swim lessons each day. But we have gone several times lately in the afternoon and it feels so good. If I go around 4pm there is a bit of shade on the edge of the pool so we hang out there :)

3) I put Cambry's hair in a real pony tail for the first time and I thought she looked so cute!

4). I have not had any consistency with Bible reading lately so I decided to start reading through Chronologically using my Bible app. I have the Bible app by Life Church and there are a bunch of different reading plans. Here goes day 1! I am looking forward to it. I usually get behind on reading plans but that's ok. It is still a good guide to keep me on track.

5) I probably say this all the time but Cambry is such a joy to us. I love this age. She has so much personality and she just cracks us up. She likes to hide behind doors and for us to find her. She gets so silly sometimes and just runs around the house flailing her arms and legs and spinning in circles. I wish I had some of that energy!

6). Today I got to meet my BFF Lindsay's precious little boy Cameron. I did not take a picture, oops! He will be 1 week old tomorrow! He was so tiny and adorable and it made me so excited to have a newborn again. Ok well also a little nervous to take care of 2 and the sleepless nights and the painful nursing and the recovery from labor BUT at the same time babies bring so much love and joy and they are a blessing from the Lord so I am just going to focus on the positive :)

1 comment:

  1. She looks so grown up with that big girl pony tail! Love those last photos of her so much. She looks so happy and just so much fun! :)
