Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 30 Weeks

Now that I am in the 30's (week wise), I feel like I have hit a major milestone. Only 10 more weeks! Give or take. 10 weeks sounds like an eternity when I think of my belly expanding for that amount of time and also waiting to meet this precious girl. But it sounds like nothing when I think of all the things still left on my baby to-do list. It definitely seems close when I am working on things like registering at the hospital and calling about donating cord blood. Every time I drive past the hospistal I think WHOA I will be there soon delivering a BABY.

How Far Along:  30 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Large Cabbage

Maternity Clothes: Yep! And several friends have recently let me borrow/have some maternity clothes so I am thankful to have some new things.

Movement: Lots of movement. At my last appointment the Doctor said she thought she was head down.

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though. It also seems like I have so many dreams each night.

Symptoms: Low energy, feet swell a bit by the end of the day, restless legs, sometimes leg cramps at night, and braxton hicks each day. Also pregnancy brain :) Yesterday at BabiesRus I picked up a box of overnight diapers since we were almost out. I just picked up ANY box. I did not even think to check the size. HELLO??!! Did I grab the right size? Um no. Add "return diapers" to my growing to-do list. Also I STILL have a cold. Been more than a week. I think it is a sinus infection.

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nothing new really.

Best Moment this Week: Taking Cambry swimming at our neighborhood pool. It felt so good. Until I came out of the water and then it felt like I gained 50 lbs. :)

What I miss: Having energy, being able to maneuver easily, sleeping on my back and tummy.

What I am Looking Forward to: Getting rid of this cold! I am sooo congested.

Goals: Curtains are hung and I bought a big frame for the room. I haven't decided on a monitor yet. New goals for this week: Paint a couple accents for her room and buy some under crib storage boxes. And if I have time buy headband/bloomers/prop for newborn photoshoot.

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