Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 33 Weeks

How Far Along:  33 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Pineapple

Maternity Clothes: I have reached the point where my maternity shirts are getting too short. And this drives me crazy. Why couldn't they just add a couple extra inches onto the shirt??? I hate tugging on shirts all day. Sometimes I am just tempted to let my belly hang out there. Hey I can't really see anything below my belly button, so who cares. Out of sight out of mind :)

Movement: It seems likes she flips and squirms and rolls around all day long. Poor thing is probably running out of room. I think we are both feeling a little cramped.

Sleep: Good. The number of bathroom trips is on the rise though. Sometimes up to 4. It feels like a forklift is practically necessary in order for me to flip sides these days. 

Symptoms: I haven't been feeling the best lately. I have been feeling pretty uncomfortable. I hate to complain about it but I want to accurately record how I am feeling. And I hate the thought of wishing away time or wanting to hurry through seasons. But I feel like I am just in countdown mode and ready to have this baby and be able to breathe again. Especially by the end of the day I just feel super uncomfortable. But I know pregnancy is a blessing and a joy and I want to treasure this time and enjoy the miracle of having a life inside of me. It is a hard balance.

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nothing new really.

Best Moment this Week: Date night this past weekend and then dinner with neighbors yesterday. They gave us this adorable cupcake hat for Lainey and a sweet pink blanket.

What I miss: Being able to move about easily, breathe easily, feel normal.

What I am Looking Forward to: Having the baby, ha!

Goals: Well I haven't been doing great at goals lately. We did finally get the crib storage this past weekend. I made a lot of progress on organizing Lainey's room too. I haven't gotten around to working on the mobile. I did buy most of the things needed for newborn pictures. I bought some fur type fabric from JoAnn's and with a coupon it was under $5! It seems like all newborn pictures I see the baby is laying in some type of soft fur-filled basket. I also ordered one of those cheese cloth wrap things on Etsy for $5. And of course I had to buy cute matching headbands for Lainey and Cambry to do a sibling pose. Not sure how easy it will be getting a good shot of a 22 month old and a newborn, but we have to at least try. The only other thing I want to get is a cute basket, which I plan to look for at Garden Ridge. Ok, so this week's goals still include working on the mobile and buying a basket.

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