I can't believe I only have 6 weeks left! The even numbered weeks always feel like such big milestones to me for some reason. And we are now in September, yay! That means it has got to be cooler than August, right??
How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Baby's Size: Cantaloupe
Maternity Clothes: It is slim pickins these days. Many maternity shirts are too short. But I don't want to buy anything new since I only have 6 weeks left. I just wear the same things over and over. Benefits of being a SAHM :)
Movement: Constant. This girl likes to move around and poke me with all her limbs.
Sleep: Good, just hard to flip from one side to the other.
Symptoms: Feeling big and heavy. I also get worn out so easily. I took Cambry on a walk early this morning and I had to go so slow and couldn't go far at all. I get lots of Braxton hicks throughout the day. I also had very low blood pressure again so I am trying to drink more water. I know I don't drink enough.
Food Aversions/Cravings: Nothing new really.
Best Moment this Week: Spending time in Waco with Greg's family this past weekend. Also the HMB Launch party and a girls outing afterwards.
What I am Looking Forward to: Finishing up Lainey's room. I think we can do it in the next 2 weeks. The bedding should be mailed to me this week.
Goals: A lot got accomplished this past week. We have all the stuff we need now for the newborn photos. I signed aIl my pre-registration papers at the hospital. I also finished the mobile and am happy with how it turned out. When I get it hung I will post pictures. I have started washing baby stuff and I think I have done about 6 loads already and still need to do more. Clothes, blankets, burp cloths, car seat cover, baby slings/carriers, play mat, socks, hats, you name it. My goals for this week are to finish washing all baby items, hang the mobile, and call about donating cord blood.
Still looking fantastic!! :) Can't wait to see L's finished room!