Thursday, May 29, 2014

Best Day

Today has been the BEST day. Here are the reasons why...

1) First and most importantly we got the results from the EEG Lainey had yesterday and it was normal! Praise God! We thought she might be having little seizures but it turns out she was not. I am so so so thankful. We had been praying, along with friends and family, that they were not seizures, and God surely answered our prayers. My SIL even sent me a video of her and our nephew doing the happy dance! Dance on! Now, I'm still worried about lots of stuff concerning Lainey, but I am not going to let that take away from my joy and thankfulness over this. You gotta celebrate victories when they come.

2) I received an email this morning notifying me that I got a referral credit from Stitch Fix. I wrote a post a while back about my first experience with it. And now that I have $25 credit I can't wait to do it again. Thank you to whoever gave that to me!

3) I received another email this morning notifying me that everyone on the wait list for Parents Night Out at our church gets to go. YAY!! So that means Greg and I get to go on another date night soon. Looking forward to this!

4) Greg worked from home a bit this morning because he had a meeting downtown, and I think he will get to come home a bit early today because he has another meeting in the Woodlands that is not too long. It's always nice when he is home and Cambry loves Daddy time.

We also went to story time at the library today and had a good OT session. Happy Thursday!!

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