Monday, May 18, 2015

16 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

Gosh the picture quality is terrible. We have just been snapping iphone photos because getting out the good camera is too much effort.

For comparison sake, here are the photos of my pregnancies with Lainey (left) and Cambry (right). I am surprised that my belly is actually comparable with the Lainey picture. Although I feel WAY bigger in person. 

How Far Along: 16 Weeks

Baby's Size: Avocado 

Maternity Clothes: I have been sticking to workout type clothes since we haven't been going a ton of places, and otherwise maternity clothes. 

Movement: I felt the baby move this week! It is so fun to feel. They are still such tiny little movements and not too often, but very exciting.

Sleep: Great. Always a bathroom trip though.

Symptoms: Still nauseous. This past week I thought the nausea was starting to improve. I had a couple decent days where I wasn't terribly nauseous during the day and I was actually motivated to go to Hobby Lobby and get some supplies to make baby boy's mobile. But then I had some bad days so I'm not sure if things are getting better. I do think the daytime nausea is slowly improving, although nights can still be bad. And l have been really lightheaded and weak/tired during the day. Thankfully no headaches this week. I also have restless legs at times. Even though certain husbands don't believe in this, it IS a thing. 

That is the mobile I am going to attempt to make. So far it is not turning out as cute as the picture.

Food Aversions/Cravings: Milk and cereal, popsicles/slushies, and also salad with oil and balsamic vinegar. Lots of vinegar. 

Best Moment this Week: Greg worked on the closet in Cambry's room (which will be the girls' shared room) this weekend and put in a second clothes rod so we can fit Lainey's clothes in there too. He did a great job and I am so glad to have that out of the way. Although I had turned it into a cute play space (which I never blogged about...I need to post some pictures), so it is sad that there isn't enough room to play at the bottom anymore.

What I miss: Feeling normal, getting out of the house, seeing friends, going on walks.

What I am Looking Forward to: Feeling better!!!!!

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