Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

This weekend we went to College Station on Saturday to see Michelle graduate from med school. We are so so proud of her and all the hard work she has put in. How awesome to have a doctor in the family! Lainey stayed back with Gigi and Pa because she would have hated to sit through the graduation. Cambry did great and sat perfectly still watching Frozen on the ipad.

On Mother's day Greg made me a wonderful breakfast - homemade blueberry pancakes, bacon, and a smoothie. Then we headed off to church. They needed volunteers in Lainey's class so we helped out in nursery the first hour. Then we taught middle school and they played a funny mother's day themed game at the beginning where they had to change diapers on stuffed animals and run laps with a ten pound weight hanging by their belly. Although I argued it should have been more like a 30-40lb weight :)

That afternoon I got to take a nap and we just took it easy. I still don't feel great so I didn't want to do much. That evening we watched Mockingjay Part 1 and I thought it was great. Too bad we have to wait forever for the next one to come out!

I am so thankful for these 2 sweet girls that make me a mommy. I love them with all my heart. And I can't believe I will have another little on by next Mother's day. 3 special blessings. It was hard enough to get a decent picture this year so I can only image next year :)

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