Saturday, September 5, 2015

32 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

Lainey (left), Cambry (right)

How Far Along:  32 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Large jicama (third pregnancy and I still don't know what that is)

Maternity Clothes: Of course. I wish it was cooler outside so I could wear leggings every day. I hate things to be tight around my belly. I do love my maternity jeans that I bought this year although it is so hot I don't wear them much. They are Paige brand and I bought them used. I should have bought them my first pregnancy. They have no panel, just little stretchy parts on the sides. I cannot stand belly panels.

Movement: He is very active. One morning Cambry woke up and came in crawled in bed with me and wanted to feel brother move. He did some huge moves for her and she loved it. She also picked out a tattoo to put on brother because she thought he would like it.

Sleep: Great. Although hard to flip sides and get out of bed. I am really missing sleeping on my back and stomach. So tired of side sleeping.

Symptoms: Always tired and pretty much always uncomfortable. I get a number of Braxton hicks throughout the day. I did go on another walk this week, and even though I was barely shuffling along I was proud that I made myself go.

Best Moment this Week / Baby Prep Progress: It has been a good week. We ate a great dinner with our neighbors and enjoyed cake to celebrate this baby. They had a blue cupcake hat and blanket made for baby boy just like they had a pink one made for Lainey. So special. We also got a couple cute onesies. Then Greg's mom sent Aden & Anais blankets in the mail which I LOVE and can't wait to use. Another highlight of the week was that my parents came over one day to watch the girls and let me go run errands by myself. I went shopping at the Galleria and it was glorious. I got some fun baby items (well really mommy items). I found a new diaper bag and bought a couple nursing tanks. Also, the poncho style nursing cover I ordered from Etsy came in the mail and I love it.

What I miss: Feeling normal and having energy.

What I am Looking Forward to: Cambry starts school this week so I am excited for her first day. I have been praying that she will make some sweet friends in her class and enjoy school in general.

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