Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fall is Happening

September is here and fall is happening! Maybe not technically happening yet, but I am pretending. I am so eager for all fall things which also mean that it is getting close to baby time!

1) I bought a pumpkin caramel candle and it is pretty much the best thing ever. No need to wait til October. It makes me happy to have a house that smells delicious.

2) Speaking of pumpkin, I made some pumpkin muffins already and they were delicious. I used this recipe so that they are "healthier" and Cambry and I gobbled them up. Lainey didn't like them but she also doesn't really like waffles/pancakes/cake yet (she is crazy) so I wasn't surprised. I still don't really know what spelt is but it sounds healthy so I bought it and used it and it still tasted good.

3) I went on a walk today. If that doesn't scream fall then I don't know what does, ha! I have been so bad and not worked out at all this pregnancy. I haven't even been going on walks because I cannot move when I come in contact with the 100 degree outdoor air. Today was cooler and overcast and looked like it was going to rain all morning so we ventured out on a walk to the park. I need to start walking more in preparation for my "labor walk". Once the due date is close I like to go on long walks to try to start labor. The day before I had Cambry I did an almost 4 mile labor walk. I remember walking to try to get Lainey out but not that far. At the moment I probably couldn't even do more than a mile (if even?!) so I need to start training now. So sad. 

4) I am already browsing fall clothes. I bought some cute boot socks and I am keeping my eye out for a cute fall outfit for family pictures. I am also on the lookout for cute sweaters that I can layer over nursing tanks post baby.

5) I already wrote the Houston Pumpkin Patch post for Houston Moms Blog so I am looking forward to pumpkin pictures. It will probably go live in a few weeks so be on the lookout for that.

Yay for my favorite time of year!

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