Sunday, September 13, 2015

33 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

Note to self: flowy sweater thing not so flattering for pictures. I am looking even more enormous than usual.

Lainey (left), Cambry (right)

How Far Along:  33 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Pineapple

Maternity Clothes: Of course. The weather felt awesome today and I am so excited for lower temps! Highs this week are mostly in the 80's - woo hoo! I am really looking forward to buying some cute clothes after pregnancy. Getting tired the same few things that fit.

Movement: He is very active. At my OB appointment 2 weeks ago baby boy had finally flipped head down. Then this past week I had another OB appointment and the doctor said she didn't think he was head down anymore. I knew it! The morning of my OB appointment I woke up and baby boy was doing some CRAZY movement. I even thought to myself - I hope he didn't just flip head up! Well it looks like he did. I hope he flips head down again soon before he runs out of room.

Sleep: Great. Although hard to flip sides and get out of bed. I am really missing sleeping on my back and stomach. So tired of side sleeping.

Symptoms: Just the usual - tired and uncomfortable, braxton hicks, and charlie horses when I wake up.

Best Moment this Week / Baby Prep Progress: Honeycrisp apple season has begun!! Best thing ever. I can't stop eating them. Also, Cambry's first day of school went great so that was a huge blessing. Nothing new on the nursery. We plan to move the girls into the same room next weekend so then we can finish up the nursery and I can post pictures.

What I miss: Feeling normal and having energy.

What I am Looking Forward to: Finishing the nursery and starting back with Divine Design this week.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much fro those detailed information and experience of yours. I might need them in the future. At the moment I am expecting how to plan baby boy.
