Thursday, September 17, 2015

Back into the Swing of Things

Well "fall" has hit and I feel like things have gotten busy. But it is a good busy. Our weeks are full of fun. We go to our usual Monday morning play group, Cambry has school Tues/Wed/Thur, Divine Design (moms group) started back up on Tuesday mornings, we have 2 therapies a week for Lainey, and we are starting a music class at Second Baptist on Fridays. Then of course I have an OB appointment every other week and soon to be every week.

Cambry had her last swim lesson the other week. With school starting it seemed like a good time to stop swim lessons. She made great progress and we will definitely pick back up again in the spring or early summer.

Pengu is great because they have a play area where the siblings can play during swim lessons. Lainey plays with the toys, draws with chalk, and also loves to go in and out of all the empty changing rooms and look in the mirror.

Cambry wants to be Princess Anna for Halloween so I ordered her dress and it came in them mail this week. She has worn it every day so far.

Lainey has turned in to such a great eater. She doesn't always love veggies, but this girl can eat A LOT. One of her favorites is spaghetti. She finishes all of hers and then eats all of Cambry's since Cambry hardly touches hers.

The other day Cambry wanted to rock Lainey for nap. It was the cutest thing. Lainey stayed squished in the rocker next to Cambry and was loving it. I don't think it helped her get sleepy, but she enjoyed sister time.

Breaking news: Cambry wore a skirt! It has been quite some time since she has worn a skirt. She is all about dresses these days and rarely will wear anything else. Occasionally we can get her to wear her cute little Under Armor workout shorts and shirt to the park, but otherwise it is the same few favorite dresses that she rotates through. I can't really complain though - I would much rather her love dresses than hate them. However, we do have lots of other cute clothes that are non dresses (tunics/leggings, skirts, etc) that are going unworn in her closet and becoming too small. BUT she agreed (with some coaxing) to wear this outfit to church and I thought she looked so adorable I had to take a picture.

And here is Daddy and his sweet girls. We all can't wait for baby brother to join our family. 6 more weeks!!

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