Sunday, October 11, 2015

37 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

I had to bring out the purple shirt since I wore it for my 37 week pictures with both girls. This makes for a really good comparison. I think I look the same size with each pregnancy. And I can't really tell a difference in how high/low I am carrying. Looks pretty much the same to me even though the say girls are higher

How Far Along:  37 Weeks

Baby's Size:  A bunch of Swiss Chard (huh?) At my ultrasound the day before I turned 37 weeks the baby's weight was estimated at 7 lbs. 3oz. Fun fact: At my 37 week ultrasound with Lainey she was estimated at 7lbs. 2 oz. She was born 7lbs. 10oz. 5 days past due.

Maternity Clothes: Just a few things left that fit!

Movement: He is very active and sometimes painfully so. He was still head down at my ultrasound so that is good news!

Sleep: Great. Flipping sides is basically like doing a crossfit workout.

Symptoms: Tired and uncomfortable. But trying to enjoy and soak up these last weeks of pregnancy. My blood pressure has been REALLY low lately too. I am having more braxton hicks throughout the day. Also I have been waking up with charlie horses - ahh so painful.

Best Moment this Week / Baby Prep Progress: Greg's coworkers threw us a baby shower and my bible study group had a sprinkle for me. We are so thankful for all the baby stuff. Then Greg's parents came in town this weekend and we had a fun time with them. The girls love to see their grandparents. We went to a pumpkin patch and then they watched the girls while Greg and I ran some baby errands. We got a lot of things done. This past week I was starting to feel flustered with lots of to-do list items. None of them were that big, but I wanted to get a bunch of small stuff done and I felt the clock ticking. Now I think we are in pretty good shape. Car seat is installed, my hospital bag is packed, and all the baby stuff is washed and ready. In addition to all the fun stuff we got at the shower, Greg's parents and sister gave us some really cute things. How precious is this gown with a tie and this lovie with Colton's name??

What I miss: Feeling normal and having energy.

What I am Looking Forward to: Having a baby!

 Best Comment from a Stranger:
Walmart employee: How big is your baby gonna be?? 9 lbs??
Me: I hope not!
Walmart employee: It's gonna be a big baby!!

1 comment:

  1. Walmart employee was right! Also, I think you carried Cambry highest and Lainey lowest. Colton looks in the middle in those pics.
