Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pumpkin Patch 2015

Like we have done the past 3 years, we went to St. Luke's Methodist to take pictures in their pumpkin patch. There were tons of families there taking pictures and I got lots of stares and comments on my pumpkin shirt. Cambry was very cooperative and gave us lots of sweet smiles. SO different from last year where she refused to smile. Lainey on the other hand was not too cooperative. She would only stay seated for 2 1/2 seconds and then was up and walking. Or if we tried to take a picture of her standing she would just walk away immediately. We got a couple good ones though. Should be even more challenging next year with a third little pumpkin in the mix!

Greg's parents gave Lainey a "baby brother" baby doll for her birthday and she did not put it down all weekend. She has been sleeping with it and loves it so much.

Lainey was not liking the mother daughter picture.

Past years in the pumpkin patch...

We bought pumpkins so the girls could decorate them. Cambry and Lainey enjoyed painting their pumpkins and Cambry loved putting jewels all over hers and some on Lainey's. And we didn't want to leave out baby Colton so we bought him a little pumpkin and Cambry decorated it.

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