Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Cars, Dinner, Hiking, and Rain

I have a couple things to catch up on.

Recently we took the kids to see the art cars. We went before the parade started so we could walk around and see the cars lined up. It was fun to see all the creativity and especially the coordinating costumes. We grabbed lunch from the food trucks before heading home. Greg got some sort of chicken donut sandwich which included a fried egg and was seriously delicious.

Later that night we had friends over for dinner. 4 adults, 7 kids, check. It was really fun and actually it didn't feel any more chaotic than our normal dinners with just the 5 of us. The "big" kids had fun together at the little table. Lainey got up from her chair every 3.5 seconds as seen in the picture below.

A couple weekends ago we went to Brazos Bend State Park. We packed a picnic lunch and hiked along the trails. It was one of those things where we spent more time packing and driving than we actually spent at the park. Even so, it was good family time spent together.

Houston has gotten a ton of rain in the past couple days. There is horrible flooding in some areas of the city. Houses and cars are completely flooded out and people are being rescued by boats. Thankfully our street is fine so far. Parts of our neighborhood had flooding though so Greg couldn't get to work on Monday. Then today they sent everyone home early due to flooding near his building. Cambry's school was cancelled today too. Last night I had the great idea to try out HEB curbside for the first time. I was going to schedule to pick up my groceries on the way home from my moms group today. It was going to be perfect. Well after more than an hour of selecting all my groceries online and trying to figure out how many bananas are in a pound, I tried to select a pick-up time and all of Tuesday was unavailable! Talk about first world problems. I couldn't get someone to gather my groceries and place in them in my car for me. Ugh. So anyway I sucked it up and shopped for my own groceries. With my three little peeps of course. They were good and only 1 out of the 3 fell asleep.

Hoping for the school to be open tomorrow and the flooding to go down!

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