Sunday, April 17, 2016

First Time Camper

My great Aunt Thelma passed away last week. She was 92 years old and was the sweetest, well dressed, sharp, and spunky, Christian lady. She had a long and good life with many kids, grand-kids, great grand-kids, friends, and family to celebrate. Last spring her friend made her pose for all these pictures in the bluebonnets. They were entered into a contest for the radio station and she won! I love these pictures and this is exactly how I will remember her - full of life. I hope I look that good and am that fun if God allows me to live to my 90's.

I wanted to go to her funeral in Austin and decided to take Colton with me since it's hard to be away from him while breastfeeding. The Lord was so gracious to give me a safe and easy trip. Colton slept the whole way there and back. He was pretty squirmy during the funeral service so toward the end I had to step out with him. He was pretty good during the reception.

Greg and Cambry had a camping trip planned with a few other dads and kids for Friday-Saturday. Since I went to the funeral Saturday he took Lainey with him too. This was her first time camping. He is such a brave and good dad. Lainey needs constant and close supervision so he had a busy job. She enjoyed it!

They headed for Huntsville State park after lunch on Friday. Greg took Lainey in the kayak this time. The kids ran around as usual collecting sticks and playing in the tents. They had a great time. Greg said at one point they were all awake in the tent in the middle of the night for about an hour, ha! Sleeping wasn't the best but it's not that great around here with Colton either.

It was just me and the baby boy all afternoon on Friday. It was so different and quiet. I really enjoyed the time of just the two of us. I soaked up all of his baby noises, giggles, snuggles, and expressions. He grows so fast and it was nice to have an afternoon and evening to slow down and enjoy him. I played with him, took him on a walk, got to listen to a podcast, gave him a bath, sang to him, and after bedtime watched Fixer Upper. I couldn't get over how quiet the house was. It made me miss the girls and the chaos of our days. It was nice when the 5 of us were all back together Saturday evening!

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