Monday, October 31, 2016

Birthday Buddies

On October 21 we celebrated Lainey's and Colton's birthdays! Cambry had school so we dropped her off and then came home to let Colton take a quick nap. He ended up not going to sleep so we headed over to the Children's museum. I love that it is so close and easy to get to. Colton loved pushing the shopping carts around and Lainey loved playing in the little house with a play kitchen. Actually she loves everything there and runs around going from one thing to the next.

After that we came home and had a quick lunch. Then they both napped before we picked up Cambry from school. Later when Greg got home from work we went to IHOP for dinner.Pancakes are one of Lainey's favorite. She can eat a TON. And she definitely enjoyed her IHOP pancakes. Colton even ate some too.

After dinner we came back home to have them open their gifts. Lainey loved her new stroller (and sissy did too!) and Colton liked his truck.

We followed that up with birthday cake. I made them each a small cake. Colton's was for him to smash and we all shared Lainey's cake. Colton was hilarious with his cake. First he put his hands in it and took a few licks. When he discovered how delicious the icing was he just went face first for little nibbles. It was precious. After doing that for a while and exploring with his hands more he finally had enough and cried from all the mess. He takes after Camrby.

Lainey loved her cake too! It was a good day.

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