Friday, October 28, 2016

Lainey 3 Years

Lainey girl is 3! When I look back at her baby and toddler pictures I can't believe how much she has grown and changed.

birth day
6 months
12 months
18 months
2 years
2.5 years
3 yearrs
You are our curious, busy, affectionate, social, determined, and sweet little girl.

You enjoy playing outside, taking selfies, playing with baby dolls (pushing them in strollers, changing their clothes, pretending to feed them bottles), watching tv or "pad", being in any kind of child care setting, playing with water, dancing to music or listing to songs, being tickled, wrestling, putting random clothes and items on, getting anything out of it's place, and pointing things out in books, 

You do not enjoy cleaning up, sitting still listening to a book read page by page, vegetables, the vacuum cleaner, or when Colton tries to take your toys.

In the last few months you have made some major progress with your speech. You are trying to communicate so much. You have lots and lots of single words. Like maybe 50-75. Many are not super clear and other people may not understand them, but we do. We still don't always know what you want but it has gotten a lot easier lately and there have been less tears of frustration. You know many body parts, animals, foods, toys, house hold objects, and a lot of other things. You just started private ST in the Woodlands a few weeks ago and you go once a week. You are also getting ST through the elementary school twice a week which started this week. We hope and pray you will continue to make progress. You are a hard worker and are you have a great inner motivation.

You still take a nap everyday around 12 or 1pm. You go to bed between 7:30 and 8 and wake up around 7:30. You are a great sleeper! You have to sleep with your blankie (which you have really developed a love for), bear, a baby doll or 2, and usually a book.

We still have never cut your hair because you have the most beautiful curls at the ends and I am scared of cutting them off.

We love you so much Lainey bear. You give the best hugs, you love your big sister and little brother, and you always keep us on our toes. Happy 3rd birthday sweet girl!

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