Saturday, December 31, 2016

Birthday on the Ranch

This year we had a family birthday party for Cambry at Greg's Aunt and Uncle's ranch in Dobbin, Texas. It is about 45 min away. Greg proposed to me there, and it is also where the annual Mattern Family reunion is held. My parents, Greg's parents, and the Bryants met us there for the party.

The weather forecast had shown rain all day, but thankfully it only sprinkled a tiny bit and the rest of the day the weather was great. There are front porch rocking chairs, swings, battery powered cars for the kids to drive, a fishing pond, a fort, and plenty of space to run around with cousins.

We brought lunch and snacks and chocolate cupcakes with pink and purple icing as requested by the birthday girl.

The kids also decorated gingerbread houses. Lainey wasn't interested in the actual decorating, just the eating of the candy.

Cambry opened lots of gifts and everyone enjoyed cupcakes. We had a wonderful time celebrating our big girl and thankful for the family that could be there!

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